Your Courtiers Multi Plus Insurance broker understands the job through and through. They make sure to be thoroughly familiar with your situation so they can propose products that will protect you properly. Your broker works with a variety of insurers and will suggest the one that offers the best protection at the right price for you.
Whether you’re the owner of a house, condo, income property or second home, whether you work from home or whether you’re a tenant, we match you with protection that’s tailored to your general and specific needs:
Whether you use your vehicle for work or for fun, our range of protection packages will cover you against damage to your vehicle and against civil suits, so you can drive with peace of mind:
Insuring high-value goods requires special expertise. At Courtiers Multi Plus Insurance we have brokers specialized in this type of coverage. Your broker will carefully assess your needs and propose the best products offered by the insurer meeting your exact needs. This type of insurance generally applies to classic or high-value cars and to properties of over $1.5 million. However, homes are eligible starting at a value of $750,000.